What is the Human Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?

Your body has what is known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is composed of cannabinoids that are the same as the ones contained inside of the marijuana plant. In fact, human ECS is a highly complex system. Even though it was discovered in the 1990s, is still not well understood by researchers.

It is known that the system plays a role in a wide range of bodily processes, such as those that affect our patterns of sleep and mood. At Naked Cannabis, we are intrigued by the body’s internal ECS and the interaction it has with cannabis and CBD products. Here is a collection of articles that discuss the human ECS.

The Science Behind Why Marijuana Smells Like a Skunk

With easier access to online marijuana, the smells of skunk weed are now commonplace in Canada. But why does weed smell like a skunk? In this article, we are going…

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Cannabis Production Finally Receives Research Funding!

Only since cannabis legalization reform have scientists been able to carry out legal research and really have a go at the chemical wonders of marijuana. Useful scientific data collected and…

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4 Medical Benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD) Backed By Science

Worldwide, community interest and government attitudes are slowly changing toward cannabis. Furthermore, while cannabis products that include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) remain restricted in many places, cannabidiol (CBD), the cannabis product that…

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CBD & Cannabis Products Soothe Menstrual Pain & Improve Mood

Menstrual pain. Cramps. Bleeding. OK, I will stop there. Point is, being a woman is hard work. That time of the month is particularly difficult for many women to endure…

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Read more about the article 5 Theories Why People Do Not Get High the First Time
picture of man smoking weed and not getting high first time

5 Theories Why People Do Not Get High the First Time

Not getting high the first time you try marijuana is just as important of a stoner milestone as the first time you finally do get high. If you’re not familiar…

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