Worldwide Marijuana Legislation News & Updates

Marijuana legislation changes all the time. Pre-millennia, most of those changes were on a negative front. On a positive note, the last couple of decades have seen a trend in the decriminalization of cannabis and sensible legalization acts.

Because we are Canada’s favourite online dispensary, we love being a top resource for information. As such, we have gathered our collection of articles that cover news updates about cannabis laws and regulations, both in Canada and worldwide.

Check out the articles here to learn more about marijuana laws. We cover a range of topics, that include cannabis laws from a historical, current, and future perspective.

Read more about the article Cannabusiness News: Pre-Rolled Joints Rise in Sales and Legislation
lit up marijuana leaf sign on cannabusiness for news article

Cannabusiness News: Pre-Rolled Joints Rise in Sales and Legislation

Today, we've got another cannabusiness news round-up for our readers. We'll cover a shooting star in cannabis sales in Canada, a global cannabis market report, and some encouraging developments from…

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Read more about the article What’s the Science Behind Cannabis and CBD Use for Pets
dog and cat up close for article about cannabis and pets

What’s the Science Behind Cannabis and CBD Use for Pets

Can cannabis benefit your furry pals? Experts and consumers say yes! We’ve dug deep into this topic to bring you the need-to-know information and to find out if there was…

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Read more about the article Recreational Marijuana & Home Cultivation Now Legal in Mexico
picture of man up close smoking weed legally in Mexico City

Recreational Marijuana & Home Cultivation Now Legal in Mexico

Mexico, a nation notorious for its troubles with the violence that seems to go hand in hand with cartel influences of controlled substances made a bold move Monday night (June…

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Read more about the article Marijuana Doesn’t Play Well With Others: Anesthesia In Particular
picture of patient getting anesthesia for surgery

Marijuana Doesn’t Play Well With Others: Anesthesia In Particular

It's perhaps the main reason weed is making a comeback, politically speaking: the increased medical use of cannabis. We know it can help with managing chronic pain, helping people sleep…

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Read more about the article How to Pass a Cannabis Mouth Swab Drug Test
picture of swabs up close for article on how to pass drug mouth swab test

How to Pass a Cannabis Mouth Swab Drug Test

Just scored your dream job? Or maybe your company requires a drug test for cannabis periodically throughout the year. Either way, saliva drug tests, or mouth swab drug tests for…

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Read more about the article Travel And Cannabis: What’s Legal, What’s Not?
travelling with Cannabis, Marijuana legislation blog with picture of car driving

Travel And Cannabis: What’s Legal, What’s Not?

The laws around cannabis are loosening up all over the world as more countries strive towards marijuana legalization. In the United States for example, since 2012,16 states and Washington, DC,…

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