Medical Substance Use: From Psilocybin to CBD

Want to learn some reasons why people use substances for medicinal purposes? Cannabis has its own set of medical uses, and you can find an archive of articles about cannabis and its various benefits here. However, on this page, you will find articles about the benefits of other substances.

Psilocybin mushrooms. Cannabidiol (CBD). Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). There are many substances, also called “drugs” to some, that people take for medicinal reasons. So what are those reasons? Are you curious? Since we sell products such as CBD oil and magic mushrooms, we research and report on the medical benefits of these and other substances.

Read more about the article Holidays & Cannabis: Make a Heady Easter Basket for Any Stoner
THC infused chocolate eggs up close for an article about cannabis and the holidays

Holidays & Cannabis: Make a Heady Easter Basket for Any Stoner

Easter is just around the corner and this time the easter bunny has gone full dank. Every stoner in the world has a certain fondness for Easter. Why? Because Easter…

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Read more about the article Medical Cannabis Helps Patients with PTSD in Canada
PTSD and Cannabis article with picture of person with PTSD and cannabis upclose

Medical Cannabis Helps Patients with PTSD in Canada

Cannabis and its significance in the battle against Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have been getting a lot of traction as of late. In fact, cannabis and its derivatives such as…

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Read more about the article 5 Ways Cannabis Can Benefit Women’s Health
woman taking bong tokes for medical and health reasons

5 Ways Cannabis Can Benefit Women’s Health

Cannabis and women are the perfect match. Why? Because cannabis is finally being recognized as an alternative therapy to help women navigate through the aches and pains of menstrual cycles,…

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Read more about the article High-Voltage. Cosmic Concentrates. Why Extracts Rock.
picture of extracts up close for article about high-voltage extracts and other brands in CA

High-Voltage. Cosmic Concentrates. Why Extracts Rock.

Everyone loves buying extracts online in Canada. But, why? Why are products from top retailers such as High-Voltage Extracts and Cosmic Concentrates so popular at our online dispensary? Keep reading…

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Read more about the article Cannabis and Sex: What are the Connections and Benefits
up close picture of marijuana on the left and then picture of two people kissing on the right

Cannabis and Sex: What are the Connections and Benefits

Sex. Weed. Rock & roll. As it turns out, weed doesn’t just heighten your senses when listening to music, it also enhances sex. That’s right, cannabis and sex go together…

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Read more about the article Weed & Sports: New Rules & the Perks of Bud for Athletes
picture of NHL hockey arena for post about weed and sports updates

Weed & Sports: New Rules & the Perks of Bud for Athletes

Marijuana use and sports? Do they mix? Athletes used to be penalized for having any type of substances in their system. But now that cannabis is largely being decriminalized and…

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Read more about the article Can‌ ‌Cannabis‌ ‌Reduce‌ ‌Opioid‌ ‌Overdoses‌ ‌and‌ ‌Treat‌ ‌Withdrawals?
Picture of marijuana plant on the left and opioids on the right as cannabis reduces opioid deaths

Can‌ ‌Cannabis‌ ‌Reduce‌ ‌Opioid‌ ‌Overdoses‌ ‌and‌ ‌Treat‌ ‌Withdrawals?

One-hundred and ninety-two - that’s the average number of people who died in the US every single day at the height of the opioid epidemic in 2017. Basically, it’s the…

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Read more about the article Cannabis Stigma: Improving Worldwide Mental Health With Weed
how to end cannabis stigma person hiding face smoking bud

Cannabis Stigma: Improving Worldwide Mental Health With Weed

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread across the globe and left people terrified for their health and well-being. The early stages of the pandemic were anxiety-provoking, and isolating provoking, and…

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