Can You Consume 1000mg THC? What Would Happen?

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With so much buzz going on about extremely high doses of THC, marijuana lovers are curious to test 1000mg THC. But this raises some questions, like is 1000mg THC safe? What are its effects? How much THC is considered too much? And, can you overdose on THC?

The amount of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contained in marijuana products varies. The typical recommended dosage for beginners and users with low tolerance levels is 1-10mg of THC. Frequent marijuana users may develop a tolerance and can consume up to 250mg of THC in an edible. So what would happen if a seasoned cannabis consumer did in fact consume 1000mg of THC? We are here to answer all these burning questions and discuss everything you need to know about consuming edibles with a very high THC potency. 

What Is THC?

Tetrahydrocannabidol, commonly known as THC, is one of the prevalent cannabinoids of the cannabis plant. It is the compound responsible for getting you high and delivering all the psychoactive effects you feel when consuming cannabis. In addition, THC can interfere with how we think and perceive things by inducing hallucinations and euphoria.

1000mg THC And Its Effects

Anyone that consumes edibles regularly knows that 500mg of THC is not for the faint at heart. On that note, consuming a 1000mg THC edible would certainly be out of bounds for beginners. Consuming 1000mg of THC is not the type of cannabis concentrate that would give you some giggles and a mild euphoric high. In fact, it would most likely have the opposite effect such as sending you into a heightened state of paranoia or becoming completely comatose for the next day or so. Saying that, the consummation of 1000mg of THC has been done, but there are plenty of alternative ways to get an epic high without the consumption of THC at such elevated levels.

Edibles with a potency ranging between 250-500mg THC are strong enough to knock you out. However, increasing the amount of THC to 1000mg may produce overwhelming and unpleasing effects. Anecdotally speaking, the effects of 1000mg THC are very different from those of your regular 500mg edibles. They are heavier, the high can be ten times more, and the dose can last a whole day and may linger until the next day.

Remember that when you smoke or vape THC, you’re getting the effects/the high directly from the THC. However, when you ingest an edible, it is metabolized in the liver to produce a metabolite that can easily be 40 times more potent and more psychoactive than your regular THC. This means that consuming one edible without an awareness of its THC levels could quickly wreck your entire day. Hence, it’s crucial to dose responsibly. On that premise, overconsuming THC can’t kill you- that’s a fact. But you will experience undesirable side effects, discomfort, and some users may even have a minor panic attack.

How Much THC Is Too Much?

Generally, cannabis with over 100mg of THC is considered strong, while those exceeding 250mg are viewed as extremely strong. THC effects vary quite significantly from one user to another. The effects or high that you receive from a cannabis product are determined not only by the THC potency but also by the consumption method, amount consumed, and individual factors like metabolism rate, cannabis experience, and THC tolerance. These factors all determine how quickly you get stoned.

For instance, a user with a high THC tolerance may get very mild effects from the same THC content edible compared to a beginner with low THC tolerance. Additionally, a seasoned marijuana user may feel well-relaxed, aroused, happier, and even more energetic after consuming 150mg or more THC. If this user goes above 500mg, the effects will undoubtedly be heavier but very manageable. In contrast, if a beginner consumes 100mg of THC, the high will come in much stronger, and the effects will bite back and overwhelm the user.

Therefore, for the same reasons, there is no one standard dose of THC that fits everyone, and there isn’t any amount of THC that can be generalized as too much for every user. Cannabis products are designed to give you the long-lasting pleasurable, and heightened happiness that you’re looking for. But consume the wrong THC dosage, and the effects will be far from that.

How much THC is too much remains a debatable topic? There is no straightforward answer to this question, and until one is found, it’s important to be careful, be informed, and know your limits. Start with small doses like 1-2mg of THC. After all, you can gradually work your way up until you find the best amount for your needs.

Can You Overdose On THC?

Cannabis is non-toxic. If you go back in literature you won’t find any records of death due to cannabis. In fact, cannabis has gained massive popularity due to its reputation as an absolutely benign drug with little to no side effects.

But just like any other medicine, marijuana isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. In many parts of the world, it is still classified as a schedule 1 drug with a high potency of being abused. In addition, consuming too much THC can be overwhelming to your body and trigger harmful effects. So yes, you can overdose on THC, but you won’t die!

Researchers and scientists have not identified how much THC is too much to overdose. But what we know so far is that overconsumption or ‘overdosing’ on THC can cause the following side effects:

  • Excessive fatigue
  • Paranoia and anxiety
  • Increased heartbeat
  • Decreased blood pressure

If you ‘overdose’ on THC, there isn’t much you can do to reverse the effects except waiting until they wear off.

High-Potency THC Distillates And Cannabis Concentrates

Some cannabis products that you’ll find with extremely high THC levels include THC distillates and cannabis concentrates. These are typically some of the more popular cannabis consumption methods to get a high-potency dose of THC. 

THC Distillates

THC is extracted from the cannabis plant and taken through a distillation process to make a highly concentrated product that is nearly 100% pure THC. The end product is then taken through a boiling technique to eliminate the aromatic terpenes systematically. Therefore, the THC distillate is usually without flavors, taste, or aromas. Finally, all traces of wax, lipids, other plant compounds, and unwanted plant matter are eliminated to make a translucent, dense, and sticky extract with a very high and pure molecular level.

THC distillates are known to have exceptional recreation and medical benefits for marijuana patients and users with a high tolerance level. These extremely high doses of THC can be consumed in any form, from infusing in edibles to vaping. THC distillates provide the following medicinal benefits:

  • Treating inflammation
  • Fighting all kinds of pain
  • Helping with insomnia Boosting appetite and helping with nausea
  • Muscle spasms
  • Alleviating anxiety and insomnia

Cannabis Concentrates

Cannabis concentrates are made by extracting the most desirable compounds of cannabis plants, either THC and/or CBD. Concentrates contain incredibly high levels of THC/CBD and can range from 40-80%. This amount is very high compared to the top-quality and ordinary marijuana, which contains 10-25% THC/CBD.

Unlike distillates, cannabis concentrates usually contain all the other plant cannabinoids and terpenes minus the undesirable plant matter. Therefore, the measure of cannabinoids and natural terpenes in concentrates is very high. As a result, concentrates will give you the best of all compounds in the cannabis plant. Once again, it’s best to ensure that you only consume the right amount for your needs.

Cannabis Consumption Methods

The method you use to consume your cannabis largely depends on the effects you’re looking for, how fast you want to experience the effects, and how much longer you want them to last. Below are different cannabis consumption methods and what you expect from each of them:


Best for those looking for an instant onset of effects. This method involves rolling a joint, blunt, or using pipes. Dried cannabis flowers are burnt, and you’ll have to inhale the smoke, so it is absorbed directly into your brain and bloodstream. You can expect the effects to kick in almost instantly, but may only last for 30minutes-4hours.


Best for people looking for a highly potent and fast-acting high. Dabbing is a widespread method for taking cannabis concentrates. It involves vaporizing the concentrates or dab using a glass piece known as a dab rig. First, the concentrate is heated on a quartz nail where it is instantly turned into a vapor that you inhale through the mouthpiece.


Best for those who enjoy a light high while on the go. A Vape pen will give you an instant high, but it won’t be as heavy as that of dabbing. However, vape pens are discreet, light, and portable for those who like to sneak their cannabis around.


Best for users seeking highly potent and long-lasting effects. The effects of cannabis edibles vary from user to user. Generally, edibles are first metabolized in the liver to produce a more potent form that is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, passes the brain barrier more easily, and conveniently binds with the endocannabinoid receptors. Although the onset of effects can take up to 30 minutes-1 hour, edibles deliver high potency and strong euphoric effects that can last for 6-8 hours.

Oral Absorption

When taken sublingually, you can expect to experience the effects of your cannabis product faster than ingesting but not as fast as you would with smoking. Effects can take up to 10-60 minutes to kick in.


Topicals can come in the form of balms, creams, lotions, and more! They are applied directly on the skin, specifically on a targeted area to help with symptoms such as inflammation, acne, and headaches. Topicals don’t deliver any head highs or psychoactive effects.

Tolerance is The Name of The Game

It is impossible to define how much THC is too much or too little for every unique cannabis consumer. THC tolerance strongly depends on the consumer and their personal experience with cannabis. Generally speaking, seasoned cannabis consumers will have a higher tolerance to concentrated THC levels, but it is still a good idea to stick with a dose you know your body can handle. Keeping this in the mind, most dispensaries will offer accurately dosed cannabis concentrates to ensure that the user knows what they are getting into. Ultimately, every cannabis consumer should be familiar with how their body reacts to certain levels of THC, if not, the best advice is to start slow. You can check out some of our trusted and dosed with precision cannabis concentrates here.