What is the Human Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?

Your body has what is known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is composed of cannabinoids that are the same as the ones contained inside of the marijuana plant. In fact, human ECS is a highly complex system. Even though it was discovered in the 1990s, is still not well understood by researchers.

It is known that the system plays a role in a wide range of bodily processes, such as those that affect our patterns of sleep and mood. At Naked Cannabis, we are intrigued by the body’s internal ECS and the interaction it has with cannabis and CBD products. Here is a collection of articles that discuss the human ECS.

Read more about the article Can You Consume 1000mg THC? What Would Happen?
up close picture of cannabis THC concentrate for article about 1000mg

Can You Consume 1000mg THC? What Would Happen?

With so much buzz going on about extremely high doses of THC, marijuana lovers are curious to test 1000mg THC. But this raises some questions, like is 1000mg THC safe?…

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Read more about the article Medical Marijuana Therapy: History of Cannabis As Medicine
picture of hand holding nuggets of medical cannabis in a jar

Medical Marijuana Therapy: History of Cannabis As Medicine

More than two million Americans use medical marijuana therapy to treat serious ailments. This number is accelerating dramatically, especially among older adults, with an estimated 10-15% increase each year. Over…

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Read more about the article How To Choose The Right Edible Dosage For You
picture up close of woman holding edibles

How To Choose The Right Edible Dosage For You

The wild weed edibles market is all the rage these days. From mints, brownies, chocolates, drinks, cookies to a delicious assortment of colorful gummies, cannabis consumers can’t get enough. Weed…

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Read more about the article What is Decarboxylation & 3 Easy Ways to Decarb Your Weed
up close picture of ground up cannabis ready for decarboxylation

What is Decarboxylation & 3 Easy Ways to Decarb Your Weed

Decarboxylation is a necessary step that's often missed by most people when making weed edibles. It is the magic transformation that makes your cannabis psychoactive and extremely potent. If, for…

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Read more about the article What is Kief, and How Can I Use This Concentrate?
picture of weed upclose for article about kief and trichomes

What is Kief, and How Can I Use This Concentrate?

Kief. It's a term the majority of cannabis consumers are familiar with. However, did you know the origins of kief derive from an Arabic term meaning well-being or pleasure? Unless…

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Read more about the article Cannabis Stigma: Improving Worldwide Mental Health With Weed
how to end cannabis stigma person hiding face smoking bud

Cannabis Stigma: Improving Worldwide Mental Health With Weed

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread across the globe and left people terrified for their health and well-being. The early stages of the pandemic were anxiety-provoking, and isolating provoking, and…

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Read more about the article Cannabis 101: A  Guide To Consuming Different Types of Cannabis
picture of cannabis plants growing in warehouse type setting

Cannabis 101: A Guide To Consuming Different Types of Cannabis

Welcome! This article is the first in a Cannabis 101 series in which we will explore the world of cannabis and the different types of Maryjane products and consumption methods.…

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