What is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) & What are Its Benefits?

THC is the main cannabinoid found inside the marijuana plant that is responsible for its psychoactive effects. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the technical term for this compound, but most people and scientists refer to it as simply THC.

What is THC? How does it get you high? Where can you buy pure forms of THC, such as concentrates or distillate vape pens? On this page, you will find our collection of articles that talk about this cannabinoid in more detail and will inform you on how to safely and securely buy THC products online.

Read more about the article Use of Cannabis Among Seniors Increases & Stigma Decreases
picture of senior citizen in Canada who uses cannabis and CBD

Use of Cannabis Among Seniors Increases & Stigma Decreases

Senior citizens and older adults are among the fastest-growing groups of cannabis consumers. Are you surprised? If you have experienced the medicinal benefits of marijuana, then you’re probably not! This…

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Read more about the article 8 Vaping Products Dominating the Cannabis/CBD Market in Canada
picture of girls mouth up close exhaling as she vapes cannabis

8 Vaping Products Dominating the Cannabis/CBD Market in Canada

The vaping trend is here to stay. As we reported earlier this year, Canadians are uber-obsessed with vaping tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but there’s more to vaping than just hitting up high-dosage THC.…

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Read more about the article 9 Awesome Cannabis Gift Ideas: Marijuana & CBD
up close women's hands opening cannabis gift

9 Awesome Cannabis Gift Ideas: Marijuana & CBD

Pre-filled THC vapes. Pure CBD oil for pain. An amazing hand-crafted glass bong with a carburettor, percolator, etc. Luxurious beauty products packed with CBD. The world of marijuana, CBD products,…

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CBD & Cannabis Products Soothe Menstrual Pain & Improve Mood

Menstrual pain. Cramps. Bleeding. OK, I will stop there. Point is, being a woman is hard work. That time of the month is particularly difficult for many women to endure…

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Read more about the article Crossfade – How to Keep it in Check & Maintain Weed High
Man laying in grass drunk and high, or crossfaded

Crossfade – How to Keep it in Check & Maintain Weed High

What is crossfading? Why is it not recommended? Learn more about where the term crossfading derived from, and how to avoid this intense but sometimes messy experience. Where Did the…

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Read more about the article 5 Theories Why People Do Not Get High the First Time
picture of man smoking weed and not getting high first time

5 Theories Why People Do Not Get High the First Time

Not getting high the first time you try marijuana is just as important of a stoner milestone as the first time you finally do get high. If you’re not familiar…

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Read more about the article Can You Consume 1000mg THC? What Would Happen?
up close picture of cannabis THC concentrate for article about 1000mg

Can You Consume 1000mg THC? What Would Happen?

With so much buzz going on about extremely high doses of THC, marijuana lovers are curious to test 1000mg THC. But this raises some questions, like is 1000mg THC safe?…

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Read more about the article Medical Marijuana Therapy: History of Cannabis As Medicine
picture of hand holding nuggets of medical cannabis in a jar

Medical Marijuana Therapy: History of Cannabis As Medicine

More than two million Americans use medical marijuana therapy to treat serious ailments. This number is accelerating dramatically, especially among older adults, with an estimated 10-15% increase each year. Over…

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